Spring Applications for Graduation

January 9 by 4:30 is the deadline for ICL Graduate Students to submit their Master’s, Doctoral or Certificate Candidacy Forms. Please note that this date precedes the start of classes, but is necessary to enable us to review every form and submit it to the University by their deadline. All forms should be dropped off in Ball Hall, Room 404. Students will be contacting you for appropriate signatures.

If students inquire about the in-lieu of student teaching application, please refer them to Mary Lanier in Ball Hall 202.

Links to Important Graduation Forms:

Candidacy Forms located at https://academics-s.memphis.edu/gradschool/

Intent to Graduate Form. This is submitted online, attach your confirmation page to your Candidacy

Form. https://saweb.memphis.edu/commencement/intenttograduate/

Graduate School website http://www.memphis.edu/gradschool/graduation.php

The In Lieu of Student Teaching Form
